
When we started building the project in spring 2020, we were soon asked by many local residents if we would also build a store to save them the arduous journey to Divundu.

The desire to buy basic foodstuffs close to their village became louder and louder. This prompted us to discuss and explore the possibility of a store. In addition, the team was repeatedly asked to make purchases for local residents, as we are the only ones in the area with a car.

The store, which will provide for the basic needs of local residents, is located next to the water point and on the main road between Rundu and Divundu, which is also an alternative for those passing through. 

The local team has drawn up a construction plan and has already started building the foundation walls of the store with leftover bricks at the end of 2020. 









The further development of the store was delayed again and again due to lack of funds. Nevertheless, the team held on to the belief that the store is necessary and that we can finish it in time. Donations allowed us to keep building the store. 




The store will be equipped with a small room with toilet/shower so that the sales staff can sleep there to prevent theft. The sewage shaft has already been completed and the sewage pipes have been laid in the store.

October 2022













November 2022




December 2022




During the vacation season in December, work was slower. Unfortunately, we did not reach our goal of opening the store in December. For the last works we depend on electricity, because the generator needs too much diesel to finish the outstanding welding works.

The responsible foreman of the company Nored was already on vacation in November and not available for our request. So we are forced to wait until the work of the company Nored is accepted again. Nevertheless, we were asked to dig the trench from the transformer station to the store already, which we did. We sincerely hope that during the waiting period the trench will not be filled up again by the downpours.



January 2023

More or less patiently we waited for Nored to finish the power connection. Phone calls were not answered, mail requests were not answered. After 3 weeks of pushing, Norde sent its workers to make the connection from the store to the transformer station. Finally, Mr. Malasa was able to start the rest of the welding, but the connection alone was not enough....the line had to be put into service first. This again took more than a week. Now, at the end of January, Mr. Malasa can finish his work and we hope that the store can be opened soon.



March 2023

Heavy rains are not uncommon during the rainy season between December and March. Small bushes, shrubs and grasses push to the surface over a large area and take over everything.

The store's forecourt was overgrown with weeds, and the long roots penetrated deep into the ground. Unable to clear the forecourt by hand, the workers organized an excavator to travel from Divundu on its tracks to fill the holes and level the ground.



Next steps are to keep the forecourt clean and to set up the store so that we can put it into operation as soon as possible.

July 2023

Since the beginning of the year, the store space is usable, the surroundings designed. For the shelves we have obtained offers from various stores in Rundu. However, they are only produced in Windhoek or imported, which unfortunately drives up the prices. 

Therefore, we decided to produce the shelves ourselves. Finally we are able to buy the necessary material in Divundu.



To start the welding work we now only need a few welding materials, which we have to get in Rundu. 

August 2023


The shelves were welded under the covered terrace of the residential building, as electricity was only available there.


Thanks to the tools we brought with us, we were also able to cut the boards ourselves.


September 2023


This young woman has been trying to earn a living with the store since mid-September. However, with her modest means, she can only buy and sell a small selection of food. Foodstuffs such as maize flour, pasta, salt and sugar are completely lacking. She can also no longer afford the rent for the store.

For this and other reasons, we are looking for a better solution for the store that meets our requirements and the needs of local residents.


At the end of 2023, we held talks with a retail chain that mainly sells maize meal. However, the promising preliminary talks did not lead to any results. 

Therefore, we left the business to women from the area who can supplement their income with a small assortment of food and clothing.

In the middle of the year, we were asked if we would be interested in working with the NGO Hope Namibia. The location of our project is well situated to reach and provide food for many people. 
Our task is to purchase food and distribute it together with an employee of Hope Namibia to people in absolute poverty who have received a voucher. The vouchers are signed by both organizations and by the recipient of the food. 
For a long time, we didn't know when our cooperation would begin. At the end of August, we were able to start with 40 vouchers and distribute them to people. The organization Hope Namibia informed us that they wanted to distribute 300-400 vouchers per month in our area and asked us to buy the food for them. 

At the beginning of September, we were able to buy food for 50 vouchers again. As soon as we can exchange the vouchers for cash, we will buy more food and continue to help people feed themselves and their children.



Project news are continuously updated.

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Are you interested to learn more about our project? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to give you further information personally. UDk+Nj8QNDkgJSA-fjM-PQ@nospam
